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Text File | 1994-07-07 | 5.0 KB | 118 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
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- July, 1994
- And yet another collection of icons hits the networks.
- Is there an end to this? Hopefully not, if the Simpsons
- show never ends. I want to thank all the nice people
- who sent me e-mail. If all the suggestions I've gotten
- for new icons is any barometer, I think my icons
- are being well received. And I'd say a fourth volume is
- definitely in the works. I'm still taking suggestions, too,
- so keep 'em coming, folks! :-)
- If by some chance an icon isn't present in this volume,
- it's not by intention. I tried to get to as many requests
- as was humanly possible. What icons I didn't get to
- here, I will try to include in volume four (they've been
- saved on a list, so I haven't forgotten them).
- I would also like to note that I've gotten several things
- back from people who have put my icons to interesting
- uses. If by some chance you have done some neat thing
- with my icons, feel free to send me a copy. I'm delighted
- to see the creativity out there!
- I would like to take a moment to thank one person,
- without whose help I could not have made this third
- volume. He spent many an hour video capturing images
- from his Simpson tapes for me to work from. I owe him
- greatly for his generosity. Thanks so much, Kevin.
- One embarrassing note: I found, to my chagrin, that I had
- missed a b/w resource here and there in my icons. So even
- though I promised that there would be no more "corrections,"
- there is this time. I've fixed the icons that didn't have a
- correct resource, and am including them with this collection.
- Take note: these corrections are for all volumes, all versions,
- so they apply to everyone. Please take the time to make the
- appropriate substitutions.
- One last note: If you haven't gotten it yet, do get the
- Simpsons Gunshy game. A friend (thanks so much, Mig!)
- used my icons as tiles in this public domain game, and
- the result is great fun for Simpson fans. Look for this game
- at the addresses listed below the paragraph about Dave
- Schutz's icons (mentioned later). And also, look for a
- mega-challenging version of the Simpsons gunshy
- game to appear soon. This version will feature icons from
- all three volumes, and will have 4 different icons matching
- each other. For example, the 4 Flanders family members
- will match each other, the 4 B Sharps will match, and so
- on. I'll call this game "Tough Simpsons Gunshy" when I
- upload it.
- Okay, I lied. One final note: I was dissatisfied with the
- way Maude Flanders and Mrs. Hibbert looked when I first
- iconed them. So I've made a second icon for each in this volume.
- I say this just in case people are curious as to why they're there.
- =====================================================
- These icons are free for your enjoyment. So instead of
- asking for money (which I couldn't do anyway, as they
- are copyrighted characters), all I ask is that if you like
- these icons and keep them, please send me either an
- e-mail or a postcard and let me know what you think
- of them. I thrive on feedback, and would be interested
- in all comments. (And besides, the more mail I get, the
- faster I work on the next volume, and the more icons
- will result, as I get suggestions.)
- I want thank Dave Schutz for the use of his small
- "bogus" application, that I put my icons on. The
- application doesn't really work; double-clicking on it
- will do nothing. It's just there to provide funny balloon
- help. When you turn on balloon help in system 7 on the
- Mac and put your cursor over each icon, the text in the
- balloon has been changed to a funny quote from the
- Simpsons show for that character. No sound.
- Dave's "Colossal Icons" collection features some of the
- best animation icons I've ever seen. You can find them at
- the following addresses:
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/gui/grf
- wuarchive.wustl.edu/mirrors/info-mac/gui/grf
- ftp.hawaii.edu/mirrors/info-mac/gui/grf
- (or any info-mac mirror)
- LEGAL STUFF: You may freely distribute this collection of
- Simpson icons, provided you distribute the collection in
- its original form with all the files intact, give me credit,
- and do not charge anything for them. If you do use these
- icons, I would be delighted to see what you've done. Feel
- free to send things to me that use my icons, and thanks!
- ________________________________________
- / H O W T O U S E T H E S E I C O N S /
- /_______________________________________/
- 1. You really need system 7.
- 2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original icon file.
- 3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu).
- 4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/disk.
- 5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu).
- 6. Exclaim in wonderment at the artistry and subtlety of the icon.
- 7. Enthusiastically send e-mail or postcard comments to creator.
- Send praise, icon suggestions and Simpson pix to:
- Jeanette Foshee
- 1603-13th St.
- Boone, IA 50036
- Or you can e-mail me at:
- x1foshee@exnet.iastate.edu
- Enjoy!